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Si on tape la commande mysqlcheck -o -u root -pDolimysql! --all-databases on s'aperçoit que le process boucle sur la table url de la base mnogosearch : mnogosearch.bdict OK mnogosearch.bdict_tmp OK mnogosearch.bdicti Error : Table './mnogosearch/bdicti' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed Error : Table 'bdicti' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed error : Corrupt mnogosearch.categories Table is already up to date mnogosearch.crossdict Table is already up to date mnogosearch.dict Table is already up to date mnogosearch.links Table is already up to date mnogosearch.qcache Table is already up to date mnogosearch.qinfo Table is already up to date mnogosearch.qtrack Table is already up to date mnogosearch.server OK mnogosearch.srvinfo Table is already up to date mnogosearch.url Error : Table './mnogosearch/url' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed Error : Table 'url' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed error : Corrupt ^C Il faut réparer les tables ISAM url et bdicti. Toy d'abord stopper apache et mysql /etc/init.d/apache2 stop /etc/init.d/mysql stop Vérifier que le fichier que nous souhaitons réparer contient bien des erreurs myisamchk /var/lib/mysql/mnogosearch/url.MYI puis lancer la procédure de réparation myisamchk -r /var/lib/mysql/mnogosearch/url.MYI ===== la recherche avec accent n'est pas prise en charge ===== hodei@devhodei:/$mysql -u root -pDolimysql! mysql> connect mnogosearch mysql> ALTER TABLE bdict CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; mysql> ALTER TABLE bdicti CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; mysql> ALTER TABLE urlinfo CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; Cela ne suffit pas car une recherche ecrit dans la table bdict et la repasse en latin_sweden; il faut initialiser les variables **$localcharset** et **$browsercharset** avec **utf-8** dans le fichier ./search.php dans l'indexer.conf j'ai décommenté #Localcharset utf-8 ===== Inverted word index not found. Probably you forgot to run 'indexer -Eblob ===== Le message ci-dessus s'affiche aprés le lancement d'une recherche. Pour résoudre le problème, j'ai lancé la commande suivante en 'live': ./indexer -Eblob -d /usr/local/mnogosearch/etc/indexer.conf La commande retourne ceci : indexer[[19179]]: Indexing indexer[[19179]]: Loading URL list indexer[[19179]]: Converting url. indexer[[19179]]: Switching to new blob table. indexer[[19179]]: Indexing finished 0.01 ===== Indexer stop for indexing ===== 2014-08-08 dev@hodei.net Hi, When i indexing my database, the indexer program stop : perhaps my mysql database is too big ? 17 GO Here the message : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- root 17549 0.0 0.0 7832 880 pts/1 S+ 11:25 0:00 grep indexer root@bot:/usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin# ./indexer -Eblob /usr/local/mnogosearch/etc/indexer.conf indexer[17550]: Indexing indexer[17550]: Loading URL list indexer[17550]: Converting intag00 indexer[17550]: Converting intag01 indexer[17550]: Converting intag02 indexer[17550]: Converting intag03 indexer[17550]: Converting intag04 indexer[17550]: Converting intag05 indexer[17550]: Converting intag06 indexer[17550]: Converting intag07 indexer[17550]: Converting intag08 indexer[17550]: Converting intag09 indexer[17550]: Converting intag0A indexer[17550]: Converting intag0B indexer[17550]: Converting intag0C indexer[17550]: Converting intag0D indexer[17550]: Converting intag0E indexer[17550]: Converting intag0F indexer[17550]: Converting intag10 indexer[17550]: Converting intag11 indexer[17550]: Converting intag12 indexer[17550]: Converting intag13 indexer[17550]: Converting intag14 indexer[17550]: Converting intag15 indexer[17550]: Converting intag16 indexer[17550]: Converting intag17 {dbmode-blob.c:4169} Query: UNLOCK TABLES indexer[17550]: MySQL driver: #2006: MySQL server has gone away root@bot:/usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I send too the database information : +--------------+------------+ | Tables | Size in MB | +--------------+------------+ | bdict | 649.07 | | bdict_tmp | 2112.98 | | bdicti | 4144.23 | | categories | 0.00 | | crossdict | 0.00 | | dict | 0.00 | | links | 0.00 | | qcache | 0.00 | | qinfo | 0.00 | | qtrack | 0.00 | | server | 0.15 | | srvinfo | 0.00 | | url | 1493.58 | | urlinfo | 10231.24 | | wrdstat | 0.00 | +--------------+------------+ 17 rows in set (0.12 sec) Thanks for your help Je n'ai pas envoyé ce message car j'ai trouvé une solution [[http://bogdan.org.ua/2008/12/25/how-to-fix-mysql-server-has-gone-away-error-2006.html|ici]] : Dans **/etc/mysql/my.cnf** il faut modifié le paramètre **max_allowed_packet** et mettre **64M** à la place de **16M** par exemple ATTENTION l'indexation est tres longue 5h ... le résutat à ce jour 08/08/2014 Total converted: 370963997 records, 1903913799 bytes